Time to warm up with Hot Cocoa

WHAT YOU NEED:                                                                                               HOW TO MAKE IT:

-235ml ( 1 bottle) chocolate PediaSure Complete                                            1. Combine PediaSure Complete with chocolate syrup in a pan.

-15ml (1 tbsp) chocolate syrop                                                                              2. Heat on stove until hot but not boiling.

-30ml (2 tbsp) mini-marshmallows                                                                      3.Pour into a cup and garnish with mini-mashmallows.

For more delicious snacks go to Easy Recipes for Kids-pediasure.ca. Enjoy!

A blessing and a curse

When potatoes reached Ireland, they became the chief food of the Irish poor. A small plot of land, planted with potatoes, could feed a family. The menu was boring, but farly nutritious: boiled potatoes, washed down with sips of buttermilk. Then in 1845, a disease called blight hit the Irish potato crop, causing the potatoes to rot in the fields. Within a decade, about 4 out of every 10 peaple had died of starvation or related illness, or had left forever.

Spring is Here!

Are days are becoming warmer, the sun is shining. But coldest night of the year is coming so technically it  is not spring now. It just feels so warm I just want to jump onj the sun. And Ihope the snow melts. Happy Spring!!!!

Hier, j’ai patiné

Hier j’ai patiné avec notre ecole. Il y avait du chocolat chaud. Et, hier c’était le 100e jour d’école!( 9 fevrier) Nous avons patiné de 18h30 à 20h et nous avons griller des guimauves de 20h à 20h30. C’était reserver pour école Ducharme pour 18h à 21h. Je me suis fais tellement du plaisir que je ne voulais pas partir. JOYEUX 100e JOUR D’ÉCOLE!!!


Round dances

I love round dances! There is one in Moose Jaw every month. They will serve you food then we will Round Dance. You can not give back the food they gave you. There are three choices you can do with the food. 1. Eat it.( It’s pretty obvious) 2. Take it homeOr number 3. Find someone who wants it.  My favorite part about the Round Dance  is the delicious food.

Jokes and riddles

Lets lightin up your day with some jokes:

  1. What do you call a cow with no legs?      Ground beef.
  2. Say bread 15 times. What comes out of a toaster?       If you said bread you are wrong. It is toast.

Get your thinking caps on B’cause here are some riddles:

1. I am pink and white. I live near water. Who am I?       A flamango.

2.  I am a pointy yellow fruit. My name starts with an P. Who am I?     A pineapple.



Samedi soir

Samedi soir, je suis allez a le round dance avec ma famille. Moi et une amie (OP) nous avons fait le potato dance. C’etait vraiment amusement. J’espere qu’on vais le faire l’an prochain. Et d’autres amis peux etres present.

Bonne Journee!